SYMBIOSIS CENTRE FOR MANAGEMENT & HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (SCMHRD) is a premier institute honing world class leaders and entrepreneurs. Established in 1993, SCMHRD’s MBA program is one of the most prestigious programs in India. It is the first B-School in Pune and one amongst the B-Schools in India and only 5% B-Schools in the world to have been accorded the prestigious AACSB Accreditation.
SCMHRD specializes in producing quality talent in the fields of HR, Marketing, Finance, Operations, Infrastructure Development and Management and Business Analytics. The institute believes that wholesome knowledge can be gained through experience and practical learning. Hence the intense academic curriculum is designed such that it prepares students to deliver their best.
Apart from academic excellence, the institute also focuses on equipping the students with the latest technical competencies used in the corporate world. It also provides opportunities to develop their leadership and entrepreneurship skills through various student activities and institute initiatives. SCMHRD is a member of CII, NHRD, and SHRM.
SCMHRD has earned a trusted name in the industry for delivering competency based talent thereby enhancing quality at the workplace. This is evident from SCMHRD’s track record of placing its students in most sought-after companies across sectors every year. Our unique learning approach combined with the focus on holistic development gives an edge to SCMHRD students and prepares them for the challenging life ahead.


Member Secretary
Prof. Dr. Netra Ganesh Neelam is the Director of Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development (SCMHRD). Dr. Netra Neelam has more than 2 decades of experience in the field of higher education. She has done her PhD in HR along with Masters in Commerce, M.Phil. and a Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management. She is also a recognized Ph.D. research guide at Symbiosis International (Deemed University).
Dr. Netra Neelam is passionate about the field of psychometry and is certified in internationally recognized psychometric instruments like MBTI®, FIRO-B®, Strong Interest Inventory® and Belbin®. She is also a Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach Practitioner along with being certified in NLP, Hypnosis & Coaching. She is actively involved in Management Development and Faculty Development Programmes.
She is a member of the Asia Pacific Advisory Council (APAC) and Indian Business School Directors Leadership Group (IBSDLG) at Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). She was invited to take part as a guest researcher in the DAAD-sponsored Centre for Modern Indian Studies at the University of Cologne (Germany) and published various papers in National and International Journals indexed in Scopus and ABDC journal lists. Her research interests are in the area of organizational culture, commitment, learning strategy, collaborative learning, enhancing team effectiveness etc.
Symbiosis International (Deemed University) is based on the principles of the Vedic thought of “World as One Family” and Dr. Netra Neelam firmly believes in contributing toward this principle through various activities and initiatives at SCMHRD.

Dear Students,
On behalf of the entire team of SCMHRD, let me welcome you to this enriching academic journey of an MBA. You will learn and grow under the tutelage of experienced faculty who leave no stone unturned to help you excel. The diversity of students on campus will help you build lifelong connections and bonds. Something you will cherish and nurture forever. Your life at @SCMHRD will be full of activities and meaningful engagements. Live Projects, Internships, class discussions, case studies, research experience, industry visits, cultural activities, sports events, engagement in community service, and much much more will make you a holistic individual capable of exploring a host of opportunities. The two years are going to be rigorous, but they will prepare you for your corporate world and personal life ahead.
The mindset of any individual today is to be a lifelong learner and be a work in progress forever. SCMHRD will give you this ecosystem and nurture your competencies to ensure you flourish in your chosen field. As a teacher by passion, my wish for you all is to always be happy in whatever you wish to do.
May you all have a rewarding and satisfying career ahead!!

Name of the Committee | Constituents of Committee | Terms for the Committee |
Internal Committee–Hinjawadi Campus |
Student Representative:–
Member Secretary: – Head-Student Affairs/ One of the Members of the Committee from amongst the Non-Teaching employee Term: 3 years |
Anti-Ragging Committee – Hinjawadi Campus |
Term: 2 years |
Anti-Ragging Squad – Hinjawadi Campus |
Term: 2 years |
Campus Student Grievance Redressal Committee – Hinjawadi Campus |
Term: 2 years |
Campus Disciplinary Committee Hinjawadi Campus |
Chairperson: Dr.Netra Neelam, Director, SCMHRD Members:
Member Secretory: Col. Suresh Kumar Mishra (Retd.), Campus Administrator, SIC |
Campus Wellness Advisory Committee(CWAC) |
Student representatives:
Term: 1 year |
Library Advisory Committee |
Student representatives:
Library Advisor – Dr.Sangeeta Paliwal Coordinator: Mr. Dadasaheb Magar Term: 1 year |
Institute Discipline Committee |
Term: 3 years |
Grievance Redressal Committee |
Convener: DepartmentCoordinator Student Representative: –
23020343079 Mobile No: 9833841674)
Term: 2 years |
Institute Admissions Committee |
Member Secretary: Mr.Rushikesh Kendre, Admissions Coordinator, SCMHRD Tenure: 3 years |
Institute Academics Committee |
Member Secretary: Ms.Sujata Lodhi, Coordinator, MBA Academics Tenure: 3 years |
Institute Examination Committee |
Member Secretary: Ms.Sujata Jadhav, Sr. Supervisor, Examination Tenure: 3 years |
InstitutePlacement Committee (IPC) |
Member Secretary: Ms.Snehal Mulekar, Placement Coordinator, SCMHRD Invited Members: Faculty/Administrative Staff as applicable Tenure: 3 years |
Institute Ranking Committee |
Member Secretary: Ms. Sharayu Wadhavekar, Coordinator, SCMHRD Tenure: 3 years |
Counseling Centre for Women |
Coordinator: Ms. Snehal Mulekar Term: 2 years |
Anti-Discrimination cell |
Coordinator: Mr. Rushikesh Kendre Term: 2 years |
Gender Sensitization Cell |
Term: 2 years |
Students Counseling Committee |
Coordinator: Mr. Sachin Gaikwad Term: 2 years |
Sports Committee |
Chairperson: Student representatives:
Coordinator: Mr. Dashrath Rane Term: 1 year |
Branding and PR Committee |
Chairperson: Dr. Netra Neelam, Director Members:
Coordinator: Mr. Vishal Marane Term: 1 year |
SCMHRD Crisis Management Committee |
Chairperson: Dr. Netra Neelam, Director Members:
Two Student Members: –
Mobile No. 9899687360)
Mobile No. 9715738848) Coordinator : Mr. Rushikesh Kendre, Assistant Coordinator Term: 1 year |
Campus Food Committee Members |
Chairperson: Dr. Netra Neelam, Director Members: 1. Mr. Rugved Penkar (MBA-IDM 2023-2025 PRN- 23020344046 Mobile No: 9594308846)
About Library
Library is a heart of the organization or institutes. Library plays vital role in the development of the students as well as the faculty members. Library is trinity of students, Staff Members & Resources. Library built collection and create tools to support teaching and learning.
Category Total No. Textbooks – 24048 28731 Reference books – 4683 Titles 18655 AV Material’s 2236 Online Databases 10 Magazines. 23 Journals 09 Bound Volumes 407 Newspapers 10 General Rules
Students can issue 4 library books on 1 Library ticket for a week.
A fine Rs.5/- day will be charged on late return of books issued on library borrow cards.
Students can avail the facility of reference books / journals / periodicals within the library premises only against library tickets or I-cards.
Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited inside the library.
Complete silence should be maintained. Group discussions, lectures are not allowed in library.
Difficulties if any should be discussed with the library staff.
Library Timings
Library Timing: Monday to Saturday – 8am to 9pmLibrary Timing: Sunday – 9am to 5pmopen for: Reading Hall – 24 x 7
Institutional Membership
SCMHRD Library has tied up with the , Maratha Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture , CII ( Indian Journal of Confederation Indian Industry) and National HRD Network , Under the Institutional membership . These member ships are beneficial for users through their online services or resources.
01Maratha Chambers of Commerce ,Industry and Agriculture.
Access to Reference Library
Participation in the activities including work shops Seminars, Courses ,Lectures, Presentations of the 32 committees of chambers If it charged activity, Members are given a concession for participation.
02CII ( Indian Journal of Confederation Indian Industry)
Access to Reference Library
Courses No. of Books MBA, MBA (IDM) & MBA (BA) 4 books for 7 days Ex-MBA 3 books for 15 days Borrowing rules
Renewal of the books will depend on availability and requirement of the same by others.
Loss of Borrower cards should be reported to the library staff immediately.
Issue of duplicate borrow cards will be made against due charges.
Borrower’s card is not transferable.
Students can avail the facility of reference books / journals / periodicals within the library premises only against library tickets or I-cards.
A fine Rs.5/- day will be charged on late return of books issued on library borrow cards.
Writing of scribbling on or tearing of pages of library books, news papers, periodicals etcis prohibited & will be liable for strict action.
Library members can get the access of all e-resources on Library Portal. To access these e-resources you should have the Login Credentials for it Every year newly admitted student’s registration is done according to their course duration by the Library Incharge.
Once the registration is completed members get the access of all e-resources purchased by the SIU Central library. Also, all institutionally subscribed databases, e-books and e-journals can be accessed through this library portal.
Courses No. of Books Bloomberg Euromonitor Inframonitor Harvard Business Publishing Cases (For Faculties only) EMIS CMIE Prowess IQ CMIE CapEx CMIE Economic Outlook CMIE Industry Outlook Nature Journal Videeya DELNET QuestionPro Money Life Online Magazine Subscription McGraw Hill Education India E-Books South Asia Archive World E-Book Library Sage Research Methods Sage Online Collections Pearson E-Books E-Research EndNote Turnitin Scopus Jstor Frost & Sullivan Web of Science Emerald Management E-Journal Elsevier : Science Direct-Management EBSCO For connecting SIU Library Gateway Portal CLICK HERE
Drishtikon : A Management JournalDrishtikon : A Management Journal is a Biannual Journal of Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development. The objective of this journal is to disseminate knowledge encompassing emerging management concepts, product and process innovations, structure and performance of organizations and industries in dynamic socio-cultural, political, technological, economical and political environment. The first issue of the journal was published in March, 2010.
Journal is indexed within Ebsco Database, Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities and Ulrich’s Periodical Directory.
Context is aimed at conceptual interpretation of emerging managerial issues and perspectives on organizations, academic institutes, government and society. Analysis would be based on quantitative and qualitative approaches to and empirical research on markets, organizations, economy, accounting, information technology, human resource, business strategies and policy, ethics, finance, and production processes. Case would incorporate real business situation and managerial decision taken at functional, organizational and strategic level. Review would have reviews of current management books and summarization of contemporary research articles of business interest published in creditable international and national journals.
The editorial team of Drishtikon includes name from prestigious MBA institutes of India and abroad like Indian Institute of Management (Calcutta, Lucknow, Indore, Rohtak), University of Business& International Studies (Geneva), Universiti Malaysia Sarawak(Malayasia), Syiah Kuala University(Indonesia), ISC Paris School of Management(Paris) ,SCMHRD (Pune) etc..
If you want to contribute your article or case to Drishtikon then you can email soft copy of the paper for consideration for publication to or if you have hard copy then you can post it to address given below
The Editor,
Drishtikon: A Management Journal Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development Plot No. 15, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, Hinjewadi, MIDC, Pune 411057, India Contact No: Office: +91 20 22934304 ext. 332
PRIMA : Practices And Research In MarketingPRIMA is biannual journal of Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development which aims at dissemination of insightful and original marketing knowledge. It welcomes novel and ground-breaking contributions from a wide range of research traditions within the broad domain of marketing. PRIMA is not pre-disposed towards either empirical work or pure theory, or towards one particular method or approach, any approach that helps to break new ground is welcome. It also encourages contribution from global scholars from vast marketing domain.
PRIMA is an outlet for research that is :
- Based on rigorous, high quality scholarly work of global standards
- From a diverse range of methodological, philosophical and theoretical approaches
- Taken from theoretical conceptualization and appropriate research methodology
- Well written, clear, relevant and most importantly of interest to marketing practitioners as well as academicians.
The key audiences which this journal tries to address are Marketing scholars, Senior and middle marketing management, Senior executives in distribution, market research and advertising.
Prima is indexed within Ebsco database and ‘Ulrich’s International Directory.
The editorial team of Drishtikon includes names from prestigious MBA institutes of India like Kansas University, USA, MICA, Ahmedabad, SCMHRD, Pune among few.
OPUS : Organize People & UsOPUS is a double blind peer reviewed scholarly journal published biannually by the Department of Human Resources, of the Symbiosis Centre of Management and Human Resource Development (SCMHRD)[1], in collaboration with Publishing Original research contributions are invited from scholars, practitioners, and consultants primarily in the areas of Human Resource Management (HRM), Organizational Behavior (OB), Industrial Relationship (IR) and other interdisciplinary subjects. The journal aims to provide an avenue for discussion, debate and information sharing about research, provocative ideas and arguments stemming from the theories and practice of HRM, OB and related disciplines.
Authors are invited to submit original manuscripts which may be conceptual or empirical studies replete with adequate methodological rigor. Case studies, book reviews based on various gamuts of business and management science not restricted only on HRM, OB, and IR are also invited. The journal is in the process of getting indexed with international databases of academic repute.
General Guidelines for Authors:
- Original manuscripts with a word count of 2000 – 10,000 words (maximum) limit will be accepted.Total number of pages not to exceed 30 typed A4 sheets including graphs, tables and appendices.
- Word files only (.doc or .docx) in double space with 1 and 1/2″ wide margin on the left and 1″ on the right.
- The cover page of the manuscript must contain the title of the paper, author’s contact information,professional affiliation (if different from the mailing address), and acknowledgements, if any.
- The first page of the paper should contain only the title of the paper.
- Every manuscript must include an abstract of 150-200 words along with 4-5 key words.
- All notes must be serially numbered and should be given at the bottom of the page as foot notes.
- References should be given separately at the end of the paper and arranged alphabetically according to the 6th Edition of APA format.
- Please contact the Chief Editor for any other queries.
Submission Requirements
Manuscripts are to be submitted in two stages both in the form of soft and hard copies to the Chief Editor of the journal for his consideration. Stage 1: Concepts, hypotheses offered Stage 2: Full research paper Soft copies of the manuscript should be emailed to and a hard copy should be sent to the following address:
The Editor,
Drishtikon: A Management Journal
Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development
Plot No. 15, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park,
Hinjewadi, MIDC,
Pune 411057, India
Contact No: Office: +91 20 22934304 ext. 332 -
committeeTerm : 1 year
Chairperson:Dr. Netra Neelam,
Dr. K Rajagopal,
Deputy Director
Dr. Vinita Sinha,
Dr. Manoj Hudnurkar
Professor (Faculty in-charge Information Resources)
Dr. Kedar Bhagwat,
Adjunct Faculty
Ms. Arati Vaidya,
Assistant Administrative Officer
Student representatives:
Mr.Dave Tanay Giteshbhai
(MBA 2024-2026 PRN 24020341145)
Ms. Rajvi Doshi
(MBA 2024-2026 PRN 24020341180)
Mr. Shivam Grover
23020341183 MBA
Ms. Riddhi Soman
23020343051 MBA(BA)
Library Advisor:
Dr. Sangeeta Paliwal,
University Libraraian, Central Library Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Lavale, Pune
Mr. Dadasaheb Magar,
Library Incharge
Library Feedback
Purchase Suggestions
Students can suggest or recommend the book they want on below link or E-mail ID
Mr. Dadasaheb Magar
Library Incharge
Mr. Dashrath Rane
Asst. Library Incharge
Ms. Sapna Pawar
Sr. Library Assistant
Mr.Ravi Bolade
Sr. Attandant
Mr. Prakash Bhoshale
Mr. Balasaheb Thore
Office Assistant
Symbiosis Infotech Campus, Plot No. 15, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, MIDC, Hinjawadi, Pune – 411057
Who can access the library Services?
Students, Faculty, Visiting Faculty, Adjunct Faculty and Staff of Symbiosis Centre For Management & Human Resource Development can access the SCMHRD library services. Also other institute’s users of Symbiosis can refer the books of SCMHRD Library in the Library Premises only. Identity card is mandatory to enter SCMHRD Library.
Outside users who belong with other colleges’ apart from Symbiosis are allowed to refer the books inside the library premises. These users are requested to bring an official letter duly sign by their Librarian/Head of the Department/Guide/Principal and identity card of their college is mandatory to avail SCMHRD services.
Can I bring the personal book in the library?To renew books you have visit library personally with the book. Online system is available for re-issuing procedure but it is not yet in use due to some technical issues. You can renew the books for the three times if there is no reservation request is put by anybody else. Renewal of books will depend on availability and requirement of the same by others.
How many books a member get issued?No of books issued to each segment of users
Courses No. of books MBA, MBA (IDM) & MBA (BA) 4 books for 7 days Ex-MBA 3 books for 15 days What are the issue return timings in the library?Monday to Saturday – 8am to 9pm
Sunday – 10am to 9pm
Reading Hall – 24 x 7What are the overdue charges against late return of the book?Rs. 5.00 per day will be charged for the late returned books after the due date which is being provided on the Yellow due date slip of each book.
I have lost the library Book, What I require to do?First you should immediately report to the circulation desk at the library.In case a book/magazine/Journal is lost; the borrower has to replace the same with the latest Edition/Version of the material. If the copy is out of print then the user has to pay the cost of the material along with the overdue amount of fine within 15 days from the reporting.
Where can I make a suggestion to the library?“Suggestion Box” placed at the entrance of the library where you can drop-in your valuable suggestions. You can also email the suggestions at
How can I recommend a book for purchase in the Library?Students can suggest or recommend the book they want on below link or E-mail ID
Link:- ID :-
How do I find a book/journal article for my Projects or Assignments?Different Online databases are available in the SCMHRD through SIU Library portal and also through SCMHRD Library. You may search your required article or research paper with the help of these e-resources. If any problem is there you contact Librarian for easy access to these resources.
How can I access the E-Resources?As it is mentioned on the web site under the E-Resources. You can access these databases through the login credentials of SIU Central library Gateway Portal which is been issued to all the registered students of SCMHRD. Those who don’t know the credentials can contact to the library. Only Symbiosis students and faculty can access these databases through their own login credentials.
PROF. DR. S B MUJUMDAR(M.SC. PH.D.)Chancellor, Symbiosis International (Deemed University) & Founder and President, Symbiosis Distinguished Academician & EducationistI am delighted to welcome you to the Symbiosis International (Deemed University). The University is part of the larger Symbiosis family, which is built on the core ideal of Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam—the world is one family. The University stands at the frontiers of global innovation in academics as well as all the other components that make education whole. I invite you to peruse the extensive range of resources and opportunities that we offer to all the members of the University.KNOW MORE
DR. VIDYA YERAVDEKARDr. Vidya Yeravdekar is the Principal Director of Symbiosis Society, and Pro Chancellor of Symbiosis International (Deemed University). Symbiosis International (Deemed University) is a multi-disciplinary, multinational, multi-cultural University having more than 45000 students from all States of India and international students from 85 countries. The Symbiosis Society not only has under its ambit the Symbiosis International University but also has K12 Schools, College of Arts and Commerce and Museums- the Afro Asian Cultural Museum and the Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Museum & Memorial.KNOW MORE
Dr. Ramakrishnan RamanDr. Ramakrishnan Raman, an accomplished academician and seasoned professional, is the Vice Chancellor at Symbiosis International (Deemed University). With a remarkable educational journey that includes a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Engineering and an MBA in Systems and Marketing, and a doctoral degree in Management from Pune University, Dr. Raman brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to this esteemed institution. His extensive career spanning over two decades is a testament to his diverse experience in the corporate, academic, and research domains. He has served Symbiosis for over a decade in different capacities including Professor & Director Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology, Professor & Director Symbiosis Institute of Business Management – Pune, Dean – Faculty of Management and Director – Strategy & Development. Dr. Raman's contributions extend beyond the classroom, as he has been instrumental in fostering international collaborations with universities in Japan, Canada, United Kingdom, and the United States. His prolific research in Information Systems, IT Strategy, Entrepreneurship, AI, Big Data, has earned him recognition with international academia. He has published several papers in reputed International Journals indexed in SCOPUS and Web of Science.KNOW MORE
Dr. Netra Ganesh NeelamDear Students, On behalf of the entire team of SCMHRD, let me welcome you to this enriching academic journey of an MBA. You will learn and grow under the tutelage of experienced faculty who leave no stone unturned to help you excel. The diversity of students on campus will help you build lifelong connections and bonds. Something you will cherish and nurture forever. Your life at @SCMHRD will be full of activities and meaningful engagements. Live Projects, Internships, class discussions, case studies, research experience, industry visits, cultural activities, sports events, engagement in community service, and much much more will make you a holistic individual capable of exploring a host of opportunities. The two years are going to be rigorous, but they will prepare you for your corporate world and personal life ahead.KNOW MORE